MUSAIOS uses the Unicode fonts included with Windows that support Polytonic Greek.
It offers support for Unicode fonts, eliminating the need to install the WinGreek font. As before, Musaios offers the ability to display several texts on the screen simultaneously, full support of the TLG Word Index, including the ability to view directly all citations for each word from within the index, and the ability to export text to other Windows applications (e.g. Word for Windows) via the Windows Clipboard, or to a file in the "Rich Text Format" (RTF) standard. You may create a permanent list of favorite authors for word searches. There is the ability to conduct "Boolean" searches, and wildcard characters and character sets are available.
The "TLG Canon Lists" are supported. These are various lists of authors and works grouped by location, chronology, genre, etc. You may select authors from these lists and generate a list for searching. For each TLG work you may easily view bibliographic information -- information about the original publication which the TLG transcribed to CD-ROM.
The user interface is unlike the hypercard interface of Pandora (a widely known program available for the Macintosh, which you may have seen before). You may open up each text into a window in a manner reminiscent of Microsoft Word for Windows.
If you order the installation CD-ROM, a Latin Word Index for PHI-5 may be installed, similar in format to the Greek Word Index on TLG-E, and Keyword-In-Context concordance files for Latin and Greek authors may also be installed.